Styled by Om Sweet Home
How often do we judge a book by its cover? It’s only fair to assume that in most cases a home will be judged by its foyer. Nowadays many people realise this home truth and are including the foyer in their renovation or decorating plans. The foyer is not just a spot to physically dust off the world’s worries before you ensconce yourself in the comforting embrace of your home, it is also the space that will create the first impression your guests will have of your abode.
The foyer or entryway, as it’s sometimes called, is the first sight that greets visitors to your home and gives them an inkling of what’s waiting for them inside. Besides that, you and your family will pass your foyer several times a day, so make it’s up to you to make it an interesting route.
Allow me to give you some pointers on how to make your foyer welcoming and create a great first impression.
When your main door opens directly into the living area, a decorative room divider provides a minimal and elegant solution of creating a demarkation between the entryway and the sitting area.
In the case of small or no foyer: Firstly, not every apartment or house comes with a spacious foyer…in fact quite a few have no foyers. In that case, you can create an illusion of a foyer through a few simple tricks.
1. Contrast: Starting from the main door itself, contrasting wall colour/treatment or flooring immediately creates a visual boundary between the foyer and the living room.
The teal blue door and a graphic print carpet coverts this small foyer into a striking entryway.
2. A room divider: To give your visitors a clear idea as to where the entrance ends and the living area begins, another technique is to use a minimal decorative room divider or a shelving unit to clearly demarcate the two spaces.
This clever shelving unit doubles up as a classy room divider.
Lighting: Some foyers have compact and narrow spaces with no natural light. There’s a way to fix this. Bounce light into this space by using mirrors. This helps in making the room look bigger and brighter. Lighting can be used effectively to make an dramatic impact – nowadays there are several beautiful pendant lighting fixtures available in the market that are perfect for foyers.
Furniture and Decor: Utilize the foyer to add elegant décor details that will help to elevate the overall ambience of your home. The foyer is the ideal spot for a sleek console table, a striking mirror, a bold painting or sculpture. And if you have ample space in your foyer, you can include other refined accents such a statement couch, lamps and an eye catching carpet runner, all of which spell sophistication and class.
This sleek console, coupled with a bold painting , table lamps and indoor plants creates an inviting atmosphere. Styled by Om Sweet Home.
Accent wall: An accent wall can beautifully offset an art installation,
Add colour to your foyer without having to paint the entire space. Alternatively, you can choose to paint a mural on this wall or play with textures such as stone or wood. Another idea is to create a collage of family photos – an instant conversation starter.
Simple tricks such as painting one wall a different colour and off-setting it with an antique console and striking carpet immediately elevates an otherwise boring entrance.
Storage: Last, but not the least, when your guests enter your home, you wouldn’t want them to trip or dodge carelessly scattered footwear. Ample shoe storage is key to a clutter free entrance. The foyer can also be used to store shoes or sports gear with thoughtfully built in storage that integrates with the design of the rest of the house. Placing a beautiful bench by the door will make it easier to remove or put on strappy sandals or lace up shoes and also give the space an inviting touch.
All photographs are for representational purposes only.
Pic credits: Om Sweet Home,,,, Decoist, Hotpads, Lazada Sg, Pinterest.